Wood vs. Metal Pizza Peel: Which is Better?
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Making a perfect pizza is an art. There are so many factors to consider: the dough, the sauce, the cheese, and the toppings. But one of the most important decisions you’ll make is what kind of peel to use. Do you go with a wood peel or a metal peel? In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each type of peel, so you can make the best decision for your pizza-making needs!

What is a Pizza Peel?

A pizza peel is a flat, shovel-like tool that is used to transfer pizzas in and out of the oven. Pizza peels come in a variety of materials, including wood and metal.[2]

Types of Pizza Peel

When it comes to choosing the right pizza peel for your needs, there are two main types to choose from: wood and metal.

Types of Pizza Peel

Each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that you’ll need to consider before making a decision.

Launching Peel

When it comes to pizza peels, there are two main types: wood and metal. Each has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at both types of peels to help you decide which one is right for you.[2]

Turning Peel

The two main types of pizza peels are those made of wood and those made of metal. Which one is better? It depends on your needs and preferences. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of each type of pizza peel to help you decide which is best for you.

How to Use a Pizza Peel?

Launching The Pizza

Making pizzas at home is a fun and delicious activity, but it can be difficult to get the perfect result without a professional kitchen and equipment. A great way to get around this is to use a pizza peel.

Pizza peels are essentially large spatulas that help you transfer your pizza dough and toppings onto the baking surface without making a mess.[2]

Retrieving The Pizza

Once your pizza is done baking, it’s time to retrieve it from the oven. This is where a pizza peel really comes in handy. The large surface area of the peel allows you to grasp the pizza easily and transfer it onto a cooling rack or cutting board.

If you find that your pizza is sticking to the peel, there are a few things you can do. You can try flouring the peel more, or you can try running a knife around the edge of the pizza to loosen it. Once you’ve successfully retrieved your pizza, let it cool for a few minutes before slicing and serving.[2]

Pizza Peel Material

Wood Pizza Peels

Wooden pizza peels offer several advantages over their metal counterparts. For one, they’re lighter weight, which can be helpful when lifting a heavy pizza. They’re also easier on your hands; when you’re sliding a hot pizza onto a metal peel, there’s always the risk of burning yourself. And if you happen to drop your peel, a wooden one is less likely to break than a metal one.

Wood Pizza Peels

Another advantage of wood is that it won’t get as hot as metal. This can be important when dealing with extremely hot pizzas straight out of the oven. Finally, many people feel that pizzas slide more easily off wooden peels than off metal ones.

Metal Pizza Peels

There are a few advantages that metal pizza peels offer over wood. For one, they’re more durable; if you drop your metal peel, it’s not as likely to break as a wooden one. They’re also easier to clean; simply wipe them down with a damp cloth after each use.

Another advantage of metal is that it conducts heat better than wood. This means that your pizza will slide off more easily because the metal is hotter. Additionally, metal peels are less likely to absorb moisture from dough, which can make them stickier.

What’s the Difference Between Wood and Metal Pizza Peels?


Wood pizza peels can be used over and over again, provided they’re properly cared for. You can use a wood pizza peel to transfer pizzas in and out of the oven many times before it needs to be replaced. Metal pizza peels, on the other hand, will eventually start to warp from the heat of the oven and will need to be replaced more frequently than a wood peel.[3]


If appearance is important to you, then you may prefer a wood pizza peel.

Wood pizza peels can give your kitchen a rustic look and feel.
Metal pizza peels are more contemporary in style and can give your kitchen a modern feel.[3]


Wood pizza peels are usually heavier than metal pizza peels. If you have a large pizza or multiple pizzas to transfer, a wood peel may be more difficult to maneuver than a metal one.


Wood pizza peels typically have a rougher surface than metal pizza peels. This can make it easier to grip the dough and transfer it to the oven. Metal pizza peels may be more slippery, making them more difficult to use.


Wood pizza peels can be used for more than just transferring pizzas in and out of the oven.


You can also use them as cutting boards or serving trays. Metal pizza peels are less versatile and are only meant for transferring pizzas.


There is no difference in taste between pizzas cooked on metal and wood pizza peels. However, some people believe that wood imparts a distinct flavor to food. If you’re looking for a specific flavor, you may want to try cooking with a wood pizza peel.[3]


Wood pizza peels are generally considered to be safer than metal pizza peels. Metal pizza peels can get very hot in the oven and can cause burns. Wood pizza peels are less likely to cause burns because they’re not as conductive of heat.[3]

Ease of cleaning

Wood pizza peels are usually easier to clean than metal pizza peels. You can wash a wood pizza peel with soap and water, and it won’t rust like a metal one. Metal pizza peels can be more difficult to clean because they can rust if they’re not dried properly.


Wood pizza peels are usually more expensive than metal pizza peels. However, they’re also more durable and can last longer. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, a metal pizza peel may be a better choice.

Which Pizza peel is the Best Choice? Wood or Metal

The debate over which type of pizza peel is better has been around for ages. On one side, you have those who say that wood is the only way to go. They claim that it imparts a unique flavor to the pizza and helps to create the perfect crust. On the other side, you have those who swear by metal peels. They argue that metal peels are more durable and easier to clean than their wooden counterparts. So, which is the best choice?

There are pros and cons to both wood and metal pizza peels. Wooden peels tend to be less expensive than metal peels. They are also more lightweight, making them easier to maneuver around in the kitchen. However, wooden peels can be more difficult to clean than metal peels and they are not as durable. Metal peels, on the other hand, are more expensive than wooden peels. They are also heavier, making them more difficult to maneuver in the kitchen. But they are easier to clean and more durable.

Which Pizza peel is the Best Choice? Wood or Metal

So, which is the best choice? It really depends on your personal preferences. If you want a light peel that is easy to maneuver, then a wooden peel is the way to go. If you want a heavier peel that is more durable and easier to clean, then a metal peel is the better choice. Whichever type of peel you choose, make sure that it is the right size for your pizza stone or baking sheet. Otherwise, you may have difficulty getting your pizza in and out of the oven.

When it comes to choosing a pizza peel, there is no right or wrong answer. It really depends on your personal preferences. If you want a light peel that is easy to maneuver, then a wooden peel is the way to go. If you want a heavier peel that is more durable and easier to clean, then a metal peel is the better choice. Whichever type of peel you choose, make sure that it is the right size for your pizza stone or baking sheet. Otherwise, you may have difficulty getting your pizza in and out of the oven.[2]

When Is a Wooden Pizza Peel the Best Option?

Wooden pizza peels have a few advantages over metal ones. First, they’re better at absorbing heat, so your pizzas won’t get as soggy from the steam if you use a wooden peel. They’re also lighter than metal peels, so they’re easier to maneuver.

Another advantage of wooden pizza peels is that they’re less likely to stick to the dough. This is because the wood grain provides a slight amount of traction, which helps release the dough more easily.

Finally, wooden pizza peels are less likely to scratch your baking stone or steel. If you do happen to scratch your baking surface, it’s easy to sand down a wooden peel. With a metal peel, you’ll need to replace it.[1]

When Is a Metal Pizza Peel the Best Option?

If you are looking for a pizza peel that will offer a faster cooking time, then a metal option is going to be the best bet. Metal conducts heat much better than wood, so your pizza will cook evenly and quickly. Additionally, metal is easier to keep clean than wood since it won’t absorb food particles and grease the way that wood can.

However, there are a few downsides to using a metal pizza peel. First, they can be quite heavy, which can make them difficult to maneuver. Additionally, metal peels can sometimes cause pizzas to stick, which can ruin your perfect pie.

If you do choose to go with a metal peel, make sure to season it well before use (more on that below).

Do I Really Need Two Pizza Peels?

You might be wondering why you need two pizza peels, one for each type of crust.

Do I Really Need Two Pizza Peels?

The answer is simple: each type of crust has its own advantages and disadvantages.[1]


Is it better to use a wood or metal pizza peel?

It really depends on personal preference! Some people find that a metal pizza peel slides more easily under the pizza dough, while others find that a wood pizza peel helps to prevent sticking. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which type of peel works best for you.

Is wooden pizza peel good?

Yes, a wooden pizza peel can be a great option for baking pizzas. Wooden peels tend to be more lightweight than metal peels, making them easier to maneuver. Plus, many people find that the natural grain of the wood helps to prevent sticking.

What pizza peel should I get?

Again, it depends on your personal preference. If you’re looking for a lightweight option, go for a wooden peel. If you’re worried about the dough sticking, opt for a metal peel. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which type of peel works best for you.

How do you keep pizza from sticking to metal peel?

There are a few things you can do to prevent sticking, whether you’re using a metal or wooden pizza peel. First, make sure your dough is well-floured before placing it on the peel. Second, give the peel a quick shake before sliding the pizza onto the baking surface. And third, be careful not to overload the pizza with toppings, as this can also cause sticking.

Whats the best flour for pizza?

There are a few different types of flour you can use for pizza dough, but bread flour is a good option because it’s high in gluten.

Whats the best flour for pizza?

This means the dough will be stretchy and easy to work with. All-purpose flour can also be used, but it doesn’t have as much gluten, so the dough might be a bit more difficult to work with.

Why is pizza on a stone better than on metal?

Baking pizza on a stone helps to create a crisp, evenly-cooked crust. The stone absorbs the heat from the oven and transfers it to the dough, which helps to prevent the bottom of the crust from getting soggy. Baking on a metal surface can also work, but you might find that the pizza sticks more easily.

Useful Video: Pizza Peels – Wood vs Metal, which is better?


So, which is better? Wood or metal?

It really depends on your preference. If you like the way wood feels and tastes, then go for it. Metal is great for durability and easy cleaning.

Either way, you can’t go wrong with either option. Just be sure to keep your pizza stone or baking sheet well-seasoned (or oiled) and you’ll be good to go!


  1. https://thepizzaheaven.com/wood-or-metal-pizza-peel/#
  2. https://www.pizzaforguys.com/pizza-peel-wood-vs-metal/
  3. https://mama-cucina.com/wood-vs-metal-pizza-peel/

Hello! I'm a James Miller, and I'm an expert in materials science. I learned different metal properties in the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and I know everything about all kinds of metal. That's why I want to share my experience with you.

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