Choose the Best Metal Detector for Gold
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Metal Detectors for Gold
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A metal detector is used to search for metallic items on the ground. People who enjoy treasure hunting, as well as archaeologists and geologists looking for valuable metals or minerals in underground earth use them.
Benefits of metal detectors for gold:
- Gold is a very valuable metal. If you are looking for gold, you will need the best equipment possible in order to find it quickly and efficiently. The best way to do this is with a quality metal detector for any area where there might be some gold hidden away – whether that’s on land or underwater;
- Some of these products can even double as standard metal detectors if they don’t have enough power needed to detect gold accurately. This means you won’t have an extra purchase necessary just so you can search correctly for your treasure;
- They come in different sizes depending on how much ground space needs covering at one time. You may want something lightweight but powerful, or heavy-duty but less precise over large areas;
- Not only are they great for finding the gold you’re looking for, but it can also help to conserve time and energy if you need access over a large area;
- They give an accurate reading on what exactly needs digging up so there is less chance of wasting your time searching in one spot when the treasure is actually located somewhere else. With this information, you will be able to pinpoint where the exact location of your find is hidden, which means faster results;
- Gold detectors come with different power levels depending on how powerful they need to be (i.e., underwater vs land). A higher-end detector that has more power doesn’t always mean better; oftentimes mid-range or lower-end models do just as well at detecting gold;
- With a higher price point comes more advanced features and technology that can make your treasure hunting experience much easier, but it may not be necessary for you to have all those bells and whistles if the product will only be used occasionally or as a hobby;
People who want to find gold use metal detectors, but not just any metal detector will do. There are many different options available, so it is important to know what you need before purchasing one. In this guide, the experts have provided reviews for the best metal detectors on the market today as well as tips that will help you detect more gold!
Bounty Hunter Gold Digger Metal Detector – the Editor’s choice!

You’ll enjoy using the Gold-Digger with the included phone jack to save battery life while you listen for richer sounds indicating more deeply buried objects. And if there are no sounds at all? The built-in speaker emits tone signals when headphones are not being used so don’t panic, just dig!
This Bounty Hunter Gold Digger Metal Detector will allow you to detect all kinds of metal from iron, steel, brass, aluminum, silver, gold coins, and jewelry. It operates on two 9-volt ALKALINE batteries and passes a signal in a single direction at a time for maximum sensitivity.
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PRO Series Metal Detector – the best for portability!

People of any level from beginner to advanced can use this fully adjustable machine. A fast, accurate 4-sensitivity level keeps you safe in crowds while still allowing for deep hunting nearby metal objects up to 12 inches long.
With an easy unfold design, this water-resistant probe goes anywhere with you! The large coil will detect treasures 12-inch deep while filtering out “garbage metals”.
The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PRO Series Metal Detector is your ultimate compass for treasure hunting. The fully adjustable and lightweight metal detector has an easy-to-understand LCD display, making it accessible for all ages, sizes, and skill levels from beginner to advanced.
Minelab Equinox 800 Metal Detector – the best for using in the water!

The exclusive Multi-IQ Technology provides efficient target identification to allow you to sort between trash and treasure with accuracy.
Fully waterproof up to 10 feet in depth, there are few places this metal detecting powerhouse cannot go! Get the Equinox 800 today so you never stop finding gems when they’re within reach!
Fisher Gold Bug Pro Metal Detector – the best for a simple interface!

The new detector has a 19 kHz operating frequency. It will accurately indicate the type of mineralization – it even features a digital ground balance. Plus, you can tell how deep your target is with the dual headphone jacks so an audible signal tells you where to dig! The user interface is quite simple.
The user-friendly Fisher Gold Bug Pro Metal Detector has an industry-first variable breakpoint tone discrimination system that picks out signals you want to hear. This means less noise on your screen for more relevant information.
Garrett 1140680 AT Gold Metal Detector – the best for the battery life!

For one, this model has 4 frequencies that mean that no matter what type of metal you’re looking for, or where it might be buried, this radar will help you find it. The iron audio saves time by identifying the common materials found in every environment to make treasure hunting a little easier. This model also comes with interchangeable coils so as soon as you want a quick upgrade on your new toy it’s only an additional purchase away.
A rugged yet lightweight and collapsible frame makes it easy to take this detector anywhere with you!
The Garrett 1140680 AT gold metal detector is a simple and straightforward solution to your treasure hunting needs. It provides a few different frequencies to help analyze various types of metals, including iron in the areas where trash is prevalent.
The Buyer’s Guide
Metal Detector Types:
Very Low Frequency (VLF)
VLF metal detector is a very common type of detector, it emits low-frequency radio waves and detects the changes in these signals when they hit an object. Because most metals are conductive objects, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find them with this type of device.
This means that gold isn’t going to pass right through your handheld or ground-based unit like it would if you were using another kind – the result will likely be an audible “clunk” similar to what you might hear from the fishing line hitting bottom on a lake bed.
VLF metal detectors operate at frequencies from 20 kHz up to 200 kHz depending on the model; as such they have good depth capabilities for larger objects but not so much for smaller targets like gold nuggets or thin foils. Although a lot of people use them for this purpose because it’s easier than learning how pulse induction devices work, you should know that these machines will produce many false signals caused by the mineralization of conductive materials which can be very frustrating during your hunt – unless you are planning to go hunting for large targets.
VLF metal detectors are usually submersible, which means they can be used in wet conditions without the need for a waterproof hard case like with pulse induction devices due to their sealed design. They also have more bits of resolution at lower frequencies, but this comes at the cost that most VLF models lack target identification features.
Unfortunately, all this extra depth and sensitivity come at expensive prices so it’s not easy finding good deals on new units; especially since many people tend to upgrade after learning about how these things work during their first couple of hunts. If you are looking for something capable enough underwater where there is a lot of ferrous trash then this type of metal detector is your best choice.
The disadvantage here however is that because gold jewelry tends to contain other metals along with it, this means that you’re going to get “clunks” from these objects as well. This is why some metal detector users prefer the use of pulse induction devices over VLF devices – they can help filter out most other metals and just give off an audible signal when they detect gold nearby.
Pulse Induction (PI)
Pulse induction (PI) metal detectors are the most popular type of detector due to their excellent performance and simplicity. They detect all types of metals, but they perform best on ferrous items such as iron, steel, and nickel-copper coins other than gold nuggets: pulse induction is not a good choice for finding small pieces of gold.
It’s because PI detects large metallic objects that produce strong signals with high accuracy. However, it can be hard to differentiate between smaller targets like fine gold nuggets or thin foil caused by surface reflections from large lumps of lead ore or rusty nails.
PI metal detectors work by creating a magnetic field pulse, which induces eddy currents in any conductive objects within range of the coil (in this case it will be mostly iron and steel).
The detector measures the change in inductance caused by these induced eddy currents to determine if something is metallic or not.
This can sometimes lead to false signals from items that have large amounts of ferrous metals such as discarded junk cars, ore dumps, storage tanks for water pumps, etc. But there are ways around this problem: you just need to learn how these devices work so you know what they should look like on a particular signal.
Another way is knowing where all possible sources of interference might occur and avoiding them while treasure hunting. For example, if you are in an area with a lot of iron-rich ore or rusty nails then it is best to hunt at night when there is less interference from the sun.
Pulse Induction metal detectors are the best choice if you are after large items of high-density ferrous metals such as gold nuggets or iron relics.
Disadvantages include high price tag, disability to work in wet or salty sands, difficulty to use in trashy areas.
Specialty Metal Detectors
A specialty metal detector is a type of device that includes more than one mode. A multi-purpose or mixed-use machine can be used for both gold hunting and coin shooting, thanks to the different modes available on them.
Many veteran hunters call these “mixed purpose machines” because they have some features common with other types of detectors but also offer advanced capabilities not found on any other models. Multi-purpose or mixed-use machines are able to detect huge targets that most single-purpose detectors cannot find.
Some examples of specialty metal detectors include Garrett AT Gold, Minelab GPX 5000, and Fisher CZ 20.
These models offer more than just gold-hunting capabilities – they will work for coin shooting as well because of their multi-mode design. Mixed-mode detectors also have an advantage over other types in terms of discrimination capability. They can separate desirable metals from undesirable ones with more accuracy, which enables them to perform better at finding valuable objects buried underground.
While these devices are not designed exclusively for this function, they excel when it comes to coin shooting thanks to the advanced discriminating power found on some models within this category.
Disadvantages include the ability to discriminate between desired metals and unwanted objects, they can’t always tell the difference between individual coins that may be close together in a particular location.
What to Look When Choosing the Best Metal Detector for Gold?
- Before buying a metal detector, you should first do some research and compare the different user’s experiences. This will help you determine which product can provide what the user is looking for at an affordable price. You may also want to consider getting advice from experienced people who have already purchased one of these devices before;
- One of the most important things to look for in a metal detector is its ability to detect different types of metals. While gold isn’t necessarily very difficult to find, it will be much easier if you use something that can easily distinguish between valuable minerals and other rocks or junk that may have been thrown into your search area by previous prospectors;
- The best models tend to come with multiple modes so they don’t miss anything along the way, especially when there are lots of people using one particular spot or another person has already visited recently; this minimizes false positives drastically compared to detectors which only offer one mode;
- Although these devices tend to work best on land, they do just fine when used near bodies of water such as rivers or even oceans since gold doesn’t sink like many types of metal would under normal circumstances. However, just because you don’t need anything special for use around wet areas does not mean you want a waterproof device! Even the best models can malfunction if they get too wet and since you generally don’t know what may be hidden under the surface, there is no sense in taking unnecessary risks;
- Price typically isn’t an issue when it comes to gold so if you can afford one of the more expensive models, chances are they will work much better than others. Just remember though that even something small and simple may be all you need as long as its advanced features aren’t needed for your particular search area;
- A larger coil can pick up small objects more easily but if you are in an area where the soil is particularly soft, a smaller one might be better for your needs since it won’t cause any unnecessary damage to what may already be there;
- Every metal detector will come with a certain weight limit – it is important to be aware of this before making your purchase since the heavier models that are designed for professional use may not always work well for casual users who plan on using them in different environments;
- The best choice should allow you to easily switch between modes and have an automatic ground balance ability so that there aren’t any issues when used near saltwater or other minerals;
- Just because something only has one display screen doesn’t mean it isn’t worth buying, especially if all the numbers displayed look clear enough to read without having problems seeing what exactly they indicate. A simple LCD backlight can make even the most units easier to see at night or under different conditions which is why having one available isn’t a bad thing at all;
- Another thing to take into consideration when buying a metal detector is how long the warranty lasts since this can tell you just how much faith manufacturers have in their products. Keep in mind that even though most problems shouldn’t occur, they can sometimes happen so if something does go wrong, it is always better to be safe than sorry;
- Some models may come with extra features such as headphones or different programs which allow users to choose between certain frequencies; some of these are only useful for older machines while others offer additional capabilities that might not work well on other devices;
- It doesn’t matter what type of unit someone uses but having one capable of finding gold nuggets at least 2 inches deep will make the process much easier so keep this in mind when searching for the best metal detectors;
- The best choice should be able to tackle tough soil conditions easily without shorting out. While this will add some cost there really is no point in buying something that won’t work properly when used like this because once again gold doesn’t sink so anything dropped into the water should still show up even after being underwater for quite some time;
How to Use Metal Detectors to Find Gold?
Most people use metal detectors not only for treasure-hunting but also for hobbies such as geocaching/letterboxing or beachcombing. Even fishing enthusiasts have found a use for them in the past, as people often lost their tackle and other tools when they fell overboard into saltwater:
- There are many different gold metal detectors, and each one has a specific purpose. It is best to learn exactly what your detector can do before you head out into the field. You need to know if it is water-resistant or waterproof, how deep it will detect gold, and what other objects it detects along with gold so that you don’t waste time digging up items like nails;
- You should also have a good idea of the terrain you will be searching in. Some detectors are better for open areas, while others excel at detecting gold nuggets beneath trees and rocks;
- Most metal detectors are designed to be used on land. Do not search in the water with a non-waterproof design, as saltwater can damage your detector permanently;
How Can You Use a Metal Detector Safely?
- When searching for gold using metal detectors, it is important that you keep safety in mind. It’s easy to get so excited about finding gold nuggets that you ignore basic precautions – but doing so could lead to serious injury or even death.
- You should always read and follow all of the manufacturer’s guidelines before beginning any treasure-hunting journey. Make sure your batteries are fully charged before each outing, bring along extra batteries just in case, protect yourself from exposure to direct sunlight by wearing sunscreen and protective clothing (hat, long sleeves, etc.), keep hydrated by bringing plenty of water with you, and avoid walking through areas that look like they may be unstable.
- It is also important to remember that metal detectors work best when used on dry ground in the shade! Wet soil can affect how your detector functions, as moisture affects conductivity—the ability for electricity to flow freely between objects. This means it will take longer to find gold nuggets buried beneath wet ground than if you were searching for them under ideal conditions.
Metal Detector Useful Tips:
- Get familiar with it since there are many features that can confuse you when trying them for the first time;
- Make sure you know how to properly ground balance and set up discrimination controls that will depend on what type of soil (and subsequently, minerals) is present in the area where you plan to search;
- Metal detectors work better if they have less interference from nearby minerals or other metals in the ground; having said this, make sure you read all instructions carefully before starting your hunt;
- Gold is heavy, so you may need to experiment with different coil sizes and weights if your goal is not only to find gold but also other heavier metals;
- If you are new to metal detecting then start out by practicing in a safe location that’s free of hidden dangers such as broken glass or nails before heading out on real treasure hunts;
- Always carry a cell phone with you when out metal detecting;
Do all metal detectors detect gold?
No. Gold is not magnetic, so some metal detectors will not detect it. While many of the best gold detectors are capable of finding other items, such as silver or ancient coins, they still require an experienced user to find small pieces of precious metals like gold.
Can cheap metal detectors find gold?
Although a good beginner metal detector often costs less than $100, it is unlikely to find gold nuggets at any depth or distance from the surface of the ground. In order to have even a chance, you need an expensive and powerful model that can reach depths up to several feet below the surface as well as cover large areas with one sweep over the dirt.
What is the best brand for metal detectors?
Several metal detector brands offer gold-seeking detectors. The best brand for you will depend on your budget, what kind of treasure hunting is popular in your area and how serious an investment you want to make.
Some manufacturers with top name recognition include Garrett Metal Detectors, Minelab Electronics, Makro Detectors, and Teknetics Instruments Corporation. Brands like Bounty Hunter might not be household names but they also create quality products at affordable prices.
How deep do most metal detectors go?
Most metal detectors are rated to between 8 inches and 8 feet of depth. It is important to pay attention to this depth specification when shopping for a detector. If you are looking to search the ocean or other wet areas, check that your detector can reach a sufficient depth.
By knowing how deep most models go and what they are best suited for, consumers will make an informed decision about which product is right for them!
What metals can’t be detected by a metal detector?
While most metal detectors can detect gold and silver, some cannot. If you are looking for a detector that can find platinum or diamonds then you will need to get one that has the appropriate settings and is able to be adjusted.
If you are searching for precious metals like tin or tungsten then you won’t be able to find them with a metal detector because these types of metals cannot be detected by any type of machine (unless they have been alloyed).
Tin is also used as the coating on steel products to make sure that there is no rust produced by exposure to moisture in the air. It has other uses too such as packaging food items, things like beer cans which do not corrode easily if stored properly.
Can a metal detector find diamonds?
The answer to this one is sort of. Diamonds are not as conductive as gold, so they won’t show up on the screen as gold would. However, if you use your machine in “all-metal” mode and sweep over the gravel where you think there might be some diamond-bearing rocks or soil then any diamonds will set off a very strong signal – far stronger than most jewelry metals such as silver, brass, etc., but much weaker than pure iron which gives a really loud response!
Can you metal detect in rivers?
In most cases, metal detectors are used to search for items on land. However, many models have been designed with the idea of being able to use them in water as well.
But keep in mind that it will not be as effective there due to the high level of mineralization found in freshwater sources (similarly to saltwater).
For example, if a river or lake is very deep and has fast currents then most likely you won’t find anything with your model here. Always consider how deep the waters are where you’re searching before deciding on which one to pick up.
Is there gold in every river?
Not every river has gold, but it is true that a lot of rivers contain small amounts of this precious metal. Whether you are looking for gold in a river, stream or creek will depend on the size of your budget. It also depends on where you live and how much time you have to spend searching. There is no better place than Alaska if people want to find small bits of gold. However, there isn’t enough area with rivers near cities so those living outside these areas may not be as lucky as those who live inland from Alaska’s many rivers.
Look for both fast and slow-moving water when prospecting in a river. Where the gold is trapped on the bends in the river. Gold is found along watercourse contours, such as curves in rivers, where water flow is changed by obstacles such as boulders and logs or by watercourse curvatures, such as bends.
Many metal detectors can pick up tiny pieces of gold that most other devices would miss, but it takes some practice and skill before anyone becomes good at this process.
What U.S. river has the most gold?
The country’s earliest gold was found in the mountains of Georgia, although the major ones were found in California, Tennessee, and Nevada. Gold was discovered in several streams on both sides of the state line.
The Chestatee River, Chattahoochee River, Etowah River, and Little River were some of the main locations where miners discovered gold. However, there are hundreds of tributaries that also hold it. In Georgia alone, there are some of the purest natural gold deposits on Earth, both as lodes and placer deposits.
Where was the most gold ever found?
The Witwatersrand Basin is located in South Africa and is the world’s richest goldfield. The bulk of all of the gold ever mined has emanated from the basin, according to estimations. In 1970, South Africa produced 79% of the globe’s gold.
Which country has the most unmined gold?
In 2020, the United States was expected to have some 3,000 metric tons of gold reserves in mines. As a result, the United States was part of the top category of nations according to gold mine reserves. The world’s biggest gold mine reserves are believed to be in Australia.
How much gold is still undiscovered?
According to the US Geological Survey, the below-ground stock of gold reserves is presently believed to be about 50,000 tons. To put it another way, around 190,000 tons of gold have been mined in total, although estimates differ. There are approximately 20% more ore deposits left to be discovered based on these broad parameters.
Where is the best place to metal detect?
Here are a few places where you can use your metal detector:
- Your own front and back yard. It isn’t the most fascinating, unusual, or exotic location, but your yard has a lot of metal detecting potential. Some of you live in houses that are more than a hundred years old! If your home is less than two years old, there’s still plenty of time to find the treasure you or your family members may have dropped. What about those who lived there before? Who knows what they lost. Perhaps while gardening, they misplaced jewelry or coins that fell out of their pockets while they were hung on the ancient clothesline;
- Schoolyards have produced some truly incredible discoveries. Just be careful to only spot when school isn’t in session;
- Sporting fields. Metal detecting on sporting fields (soccer fields, football fields, baseball diamonds, etc.) may reveal a variety of riches (coins, jewelry, keys, buttons). The spectators rather than the players lose the majority of the treasure. So monitor where the parents and supporters are establishing their seats;
- Old drive-in theaters. Marshy ground and overhanging tree branches may all conceal your find. Drive-ins are ideal locations for lost coins since they offer a secluded atmosphere for searching. Preoccupied movie watches making numerous trips in the dark to and from the snack bar, avoiding other viewers’ views by moving around as much as possible while carrying popcorn, drinks, sweets, and money;
- City parks. You’ll frequently come across lost coins and possibly gold or silver jewelry at any public gathering or game. Parks are no exception! Pay close attention to playgrounds, the sides of sidewalks and pathways, under and around shade trees, and near basketball courts where players frequently drop their backpacks, jackets, etc.;
- Hunting camps and lodges. Hunting camps may frequently be quite profitable, and if they are metal detected at all, it is usually very little. When hunting season isn’t in effect, use extreme caution when metal detecting these areas to avoid annoying the local hunters and to enhance safety;
- Beaches. Freshwater and saltwater beaches are excellent places to look for treasure. It may appear that you must get into the water to find good finds, but this isn’t true. The “towel line” sometimes known as the “beach blanket line” is one of the most productive areas to metal detect. Beach-goers who spend the majority of their time on the beach will often remove their rings and other jewelry before going into the sea. When they return, they take off their rings and other valuables, lay them down on their towels, then enter the water again. The jewelry goes flying when they emerge from the water;
- College campuses. Pay close attention to the places where the pupils congregate. Libraries, sports fields, hangouts, and so on are all examples of such areas. You may find coins, jewelry, keys, and other objects in abundance;
Other places where to look for gold:
- Traveling carnivals and fairs;
- Around bus stops;
- Roadside stands;
- Campgrounds;
- Ski resorts;
- Scout camps;
- Churches;
- Ghost towns;
- Bars and taverns;
- Rest stops;
- Old barns;
Is metal detecting illegal?
Not illegal, if it’s on your own property. Some other places like beaches, parks, and private land require permission to be granted by the owner of that place for you to detect there.
Useful Video: Minelab Equinox 800 Metal Detector, Eric’s first hunt and review
Final thoughts
As you can see, there are many different factors to consider when purchasing a metal detector. A few experts have put together this guide with the goal of helping you find one that will suit your needs and budget best. It is important to take advantage of these reviews as well as the tips to help detect more gold!
Whether you are a hobbyist or professional, hopefully, this guide has provided some valuable insight to help you choose the best metal detector for gold, according to your needs.