Can You Put Metal in an Air Fryer?
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Can you put metal in an air fryer? This is a question that we get all the time. The answer is yes – you can put metal in an air fryer, but there are some things you need to know before doing so. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of putting metal in an air fryer, as well as some tips on how to do it safely. We will also talk about what types of metal can be used in an air fryer, and what types of metal should not be used.

Understand what an air fryer is…

An air fryer is a kitchen appliance that cooks food by circulating hot air around it. The hot air is generated by an electric heating element, and the food is cooked in a basket or tray that sits on top of the heating element. Air fryers are similar to convection ovens, but they cook food faster and use less energy.

Understand what an air fryer is…

Air fryers have become very popular in recent years, as they offer a healthier alternative to deep-frying food.

Deep-frying food can add a lot of extra fat and calories, so many people have started using air fryers to cook their food instead.

Air fryers are also becoming increasingly popular because they are very easy to use. You simply need to add your food to the basket, set the temperature and timer, and the air fryer will do the rest.[4]

What types of steel bowls can I use?

You can use any type of steel bowl in an air fryer, as long as it fits. However, not all steel bowls will work equally well. For the best results, choose a bowl made of thin, lightweight steel. This will help to ensure that the food cooks evenly and does not stick to the sides.

Is It Safe to Use Metal in an Air Fryer?

Here’s the thing: most air fryers don’t come with a metal basket. And for good reason. The idea behind an air fryer is that hot air circulates around food to cook it, so if there’s metal in the way, that heat can’t circulate as well and your food won’t cook evenly.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t use metal in an air fryer at all. In fact, there are some instances where using metal in an air fryer can be beneficial. We’ll go over those situations below.[1]

Metal Air Fryer Cookware You Can Use

If you’re wondering whether you can put metal in an air fryer, the answer is yes! There are certain types of metal cookware that are safe to use in an air fryer.

Air fryers are a popular kitchen appliance because they offer a healthier alternative to deep frying.
Air fryers work by circulating hot air around food, which creates a crispy outside without all the extra oil.

One common question about air fryers is whether you can put metal in them. The short answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

There are three main types of metal cookware that are safe to use in an air fryer: stainless steel, aluminum foil, and silicone.[1]

Why Use an Air Fryer

An air fryer is a kitchen appliance that cooks food by circulating hot air around it. It’s a healthier alternative to deep frying because it uses less oil. You can also cook food faster in an air fryer since the hot air circulates more evenly than in a conventional oven.

When Not to Use Metal in an Air Fryer

Metal That Isn’t Oven-Safe.

If a recipe calls for cooking with metal in an oven, it’s likely not going to be safe for your air fryer, either. This is because many metals aren’t heat-safe and can leach toxic chemicals into your food when heated.

Some examples of metals that shouldn’t go in your air fryer include:

Aluminum foil

Pots and pans made from aluminum, brass, or copper

Wire racks

Metal skewers[1]

Handles Made from Other Materials

Just because a handle is made from a heat-safe material doesn’t mean it will be safe in your air fryer. This is because the handle could be attached to the metal pot or pan with screws or rivets, which can conduct heat and cause the handle to become hot.

Handles Made from Other Materials

If you want to use a metal pot or pan in your air fryer, it’s best to choose one that has a silicone, plastic, or wooden handle that can be removed before cooking.[1]

Painted Cookware

Painted metal cookware can also release toxic chemicals into your food when heated. This is because the paint may contain lead or other harmful chemicals that can leach into your food when heated.

If you want to use metal cookware in your air fryer, it’s best to choose cookware that’s made from stainless steel, cast iron, or another type of metal that doesn’t have a painted finish.

Nonstick Cookware

While nonstick cookware is safe to use in an air fryer, it’s important to note that the nonstick coating can start to break down at high temperatures. This can cause the coating to flake off and contaminate your food.

If you want to use nonstick cookware in your air fryer, it’s best to choose cookware that’s made with a ceramic or silicone coating. These types of coatings can withstand high temperatures without breaking down.[1]

What Cannot Be Placed Inside An Air Fryer?

Air fryers are amazing little contraptions that can do so much with so little oil. But as versatile as they are, there are still some things you shouldn’t put in your air fryer. One of those things is metal.

What Cannot Be Placed Inside An Air Fryer?

While the air fryer itself is made mostly of metal, the basket that holds your food is not. And that’s because metal baskets can cause all sorts of problems. For one, they can easily scratch or chip the nonstick coating on the basket, which not only looks bad but also means your food will stick to it and be harder to clean.

The Problem With Using a Metal Element in the Air Fryer?

The air fryer uses hot air that circulates around food to cook it. If you put metal in the air fryer, the circulating hot air will cause the metal to heat up and potentially create a fire hazard. In addition, the metal can transfer heat to the food, making it unsafe to eat.[3]

What Metals You Can’t Put in the Air Fryer?

You might be surprised to learn that there are actually quite a few metals that you can’t put in an air fryer. Here is a list of some of the most common:

Aluminum foil

  • This is a big no-no. While it is fine to use aluminum foil to line the bottom of the air fryer basket, you should never put it directly in contact with food. The reason for this is that it can cause the food to stick and also create hotspots, which can lead to uneven cooking. Cast iron – While you can certainly put cast iron in an air fryer, it’s not recommended. The reason for this is that cast iron can rust, and the last thing you want is to eat rust!
  • While you can certainly put cast iron in an air fryer, it’s not recommended. The reason for this is that cast iron can rust, and the last thing you want is to eat rust! Copper – Copper is another metal that can react with food, so it’s best to avoid it.
  • Copper is another metal that can react with food, so it’s best to avoid it. Stainless steel – Unlike cast iron, stainless steel is a great option for air frying. In fact, many air fryers are made with stainless steel![3]

Exceptions you need to consider

While most air fryers come with a non-stick pan that has a metal basket, there are some models that have all plastic or ceramic baskets. If your air fryer has a plastic or ceramic basket, you need to be careful about what kinds of food you cook in it.

Some foods, like chicken wings, can cause the basket to melt if they are cooked for too long at too high of a temperature.

So, if you have a plastic or ceramic basket, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure that you are not exceeding the recommended cooking time or temperature.

Another exception to consider is whether or not your air fryer has a removable bowl. Some air fryers have a removable bowl that is made of ceramic or glass. If this is the case, you need to be careful about what you put in the bowl, as well.

For example, you would not want to put anything metal in the bowl, as it could potentially shatter. Additionally, you need to be careful about putting any food items in the bowl that are too hot, as they could also cause the bowl to break.[4]

So, if you have an air fryer with a removable bowl, make sure to use it only for foods that are within the recommended cooking time and temperature range.

What are the alternatives to steel bowls?

There are a few different materials that can be used in place of a steel bowl in an air fryer. One option is to use a ceramic bowl, which is oven-safe and can withstand high temperatures.

What are the alternatives to steel bowls?

Another option is to use a silicone mat, which can also withstand high temperatures and is non-stick. Finally, aluminum foil can be used as a liner for the air fryer basket, but it will need to be replaced frequently.[4]


What can you not put in an air fryer?

There are a few things you shouldn’t put in an air fryer, as they can cause problems. Here are some of the things you should avoid:

  • Metal: This is a big no-no, as metal can cause sparks and potentially start a fire. Avoid putting any metal in your air fryer, even if it’s just foil or a metal pan.
  • Liquids: Water and other liquids can also cause problems in an air fryer. They can lead to uneven cooking, and can even cause fires. So it’s best to avoid putting any liquids in your air fryer.
  • Glass: Glass can break and shards could end up in your food. It’s best to avoid putting glass in your air fryer.

Are you allowed to put aluminum foil in the air fryer?

No, you should not put aluminum foil in an air fryer. Metal can cause sparks and potentially start a fire. So it’s best to avoid putting any metal in your air fryer, even if it’s just foil.

If you need to line your air fryer basket with something, use parchment paper instead of foil. Parchment paper is safe to use in an air fryer and will help prevent sticking.

Can you put stainless steel in an air fryer?

No, you should not put stainless steel in an air fryer. Metal can cause sparks and potentially start a fire. So it’s best to avoid putting any metal in your air fryer, even if it’s just a stainless steel pan.

If you need to use a pan in your air fryer, make sure it’s made of ceramic or another non-metallic material.

Can I put a plate in the air fryer?

No, you should not put a plate in an air fryer. Metal can cause sparks and potentially start a fire. So it’s best to avoid putting any metal in your air fryer, even if it’s just a ceramic plate.

If you need to use a plate in your air fryer, make sure it’s made of another non-metallic material such as parchment paper or silicone.

Can I put a glass bowl into the air fryer?

No, you should not put a glass bowl in an air fryer. Glass can break and shards could end up in your food. It’s best to avoid putting glass in your air fryer.

If you need to use a bowl in your air fryer, make sure it’s made of another material such as ceramic or silicone.

Is it safe to put a glass bowl in the air fryer?

No, you should not put a glass bowl in an air fryer. Glass can break and shards could end up in your food. It’s best to avoid putting glass in your air fryer.

If you need to use a bowl in your air fryer, make sure it’s made of another material such as ceramic or silicone.

Useful Video: BEST Air Fryer Accessories to Use AND Avoid! – How to Use an Air Fryer


As you can see, there are some instances where it is perfectly fine to put metal in your air fryer. However, there are also some situations where doing so could potentially damage your appliance or even cause a fire. So, as with anything else, it is always best to err on the side of caution and consult your air fryer’s manual before placing any metal objects inside.

Do you have any tips or tricks for using an air fryer? We’d love to hear them! Share your thoughts in the comments below.



Hello! I'm a James Miller, and I'm an expert in materials science. I learned different metal properties in the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and I know everything about all kinds of metal. That's why I want to share my experience with you.

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