5 Best Metal Spatulas
5 Best Metal Spatulas
5 (100%) 2 vote[s]
OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Fish Turner
Style Name: Fish Turner
Item Weight 1.6 ounces
Mercer Culinary Hells Handle Fish
Color: Fish Turner
NSF certified
Precision ground
Metal Spatula Set - Griddle Spatula
Stainless Steel
Brand Anmarko
Plastic handle set
Victorinox BBQ Accessories Slotted Fish
Compact and sturdy
Wood Handle
Barbecue Spatula With Bottle Opener
Brand: Cave Tools
Barbecue Spatula

Choose the Best Metal Spatula

Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Metal Spatulas

22 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review!

31.82% of users selected OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Fish Turner, 13.64% selected Mercer Culinary Hells Handle Fish, 45.45% selected Metal Spatula Set - Griddle Spatula, 9.09% selected Victorinox BBQ Accessories Slotted Fish and 0% selected Barbecue Spatula With Bottle Opener. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating.

Useful Video: Equipment Review: The Best Metal Spatula and Our Testing Winners (Why Fish Spatulas are the Best)

Hello! I'm a James Miller, and I'm an expert in materials science. I learned different metal properties in the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and I know everything about all kinds of metal. That's why I want to share my experience with you.

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