Does Copper Attract Lightning?
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Copper is a metal that is known for its electrical properties. Many people believe that copper can attract lightning, and there are many myths and legends about this phenomenon. But does copper really attract lightning? This blog post will explore the science behind copper and lightning, and see if there is any truth to the claim that copper can attract lightning bolts!

What is Copper used for?

Copper is a versatile and essential metal used in many different industries. It has a wide variety of uses, from electrical wiring to cookware and more.

What is Copper used for?

Copper is used for its excellent electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, and formability. Common applications include:

  • Electrical wiring: Copper wires are used to transmit electricity both short distances (inside homes, buildings, and vehicles) and long distances (high-voltage power lines).
  • Electronics: Copper is the main component of many electrical components including computers, cell phones, circuit boards, and more.
  • Industrial machinery: Copper is used in industrial motors, valves, fittings, and pumps for its superior corrosion resistance.
  • Roofing and plumbing: Copper is an ideal roofing material, due to its high durability, strength, and corrosion resistance. Copper pipes are also commonly used in plumbing systems.
  • Cookware: Copper cookware provides superior heat conductivity and is considered the gold standard for professional chefs.
  • Jewelry: Copper can be alloyed with other metals to create attractive jewelry pieces with a variety of colors.
  • Coins and medals: Many coins and medals use copper as their base metal because of its malleability, corrosion resistance, wear and tarnish.
  • Artwork: Copper plates are popularly used in printing works of art due to their softness and ability to etch intricate designs easily.
  • Fabrication: Copper is easy to shape and form into a variety of components. It can be machined, welded, cast, and bent.
  • Renewable energy: Copper is commonly used in renewable energy applications due to its ability to efficiently transmit electricity. Solar cells and wind turbines rely heavily on copper for their operation [1].

Types of Copper

Copper is a versatile metal that can be found in many forms. There are three main categories of copper alloys: pure, brass, and bronze.

Pure Copper: Pure copper is the most malleable and ductile form of metal and is commonly used for electrical wiring and circuitry. It has superior thermal and electrical conductivity, making it highly efficient for use in heat exchangers or radiators as well as an ideal material for conducting electricity due to its low electrical resistance [2].

Brass: Brass is an alloy made up of copper and zinc. This combination gives brass unique properties such as increased durability, good strength-to-weight ratio, good machinability, and corrosion resistance. Brass is often used for plumbing fittings and applications that require a higher degree of corrosion resistance than plain copper can provide.

Bronze: Bronze is made up of copper and tin, creating an alloy with increased strength and corrosion resistance. It offers good machinability and formability as well as excellent sound resonance properties, making it useful in musical instruments, bells, cast sculptures, and more.

Copper alloys are used in many different industries due to their unique properties. They are highly sought-after materials because of their low cost, ease of fabrication, and versatile uses. Copper has been used for centuries to make utilitarian items such as coins, cooking ware, and tools but it also has important modern-day applications ranging from electrical wiring to medical devices.

Copper Properties

Specific Gravity

Copper has a specific gravity of 8.92, meaning it is almost nine times heavier than an equal volume of water. This property makes copper suitable for many uses where strength and durability are important factors.

Heat Conductivity

The heat conductivity of copper is one of its most remarkable properties. Copper conducts heat almost 400 times better than air and 30 to 40 times better than other common materials such as wood or plastics. Its high conductivity makes it the ideal material for many applications involving electrical devices and thermal management systems.

Corrosion Resistance

Copper resists corrosion in a variety of environments, due to its chemical composition that helps form protective layers over its surface when exposed to moisture or air.

Corrosion Resistance

This oxidation process, commonly referred to as ‘patina’, forms a protective layer over the metal that helps prevent further corrosion. This property makes copper an ideal material for applications in harsh environments or areas with high moisture levels.

Electricity Conductivity

The most important electrical properties of copper are its excellent conductivity and low resistance. Copper is one of the best-known materials for conducting electricity, surpassed only by silver, which is about three times more conductive than copper. Copper’s excellent electrical conductivity has resulted in it being widely used in wire fabrication and other electrical applications.

Thermal Expansion

Copper exhibits good thermal expansion properties compared to other metals like steel and aluminum.

The coefficient of linear expansion of copper is 17×10-6 °C-1, which is about one-third of the value for steel and aluminum.
This property of copper also makes it a suitable material for electrical components as it does not expand or contract much when exposed to extreme temperatures.


Copper is highly recyclable and can be recycled back into new products again and again without any loss in quality. Recycling copper helps to conserve natural resources, reduce energy usage, reduce air and water pollution, provide jobs, and create economic growth. It is estimated that around 80% of all copper ever produced has been recycled at least once.


The density of copper is 8.96 g/cm³, making it one of the densest elemental metals. This property makes copper a relatively heavy material, which has both advantages and disadvantages when compared to lighter materials such as aluminum or steel [3].

Biological Properties

Copper is an essential trace element for all organisms, including humans and other animals, plants, and bacteria.

Copper plays important roles in various biological processes such as the transport of energy, immunity, and the regulation of gene expression.
The human body needs copper for bone development and healthy blood vessels, nerve cells, and immune systems.

Chemical Stability

Copper is chemically stable at room temperature in air and water, with no significant changes to its molecular structure over time. This property makes copper an ideal choice for applications that require a material to remain unchanged for long periods, such as plumbing or electrical wiring.

Mechanical Properties

Copper has excellent mechanical properties, including good ductility and strength in both tension and compression.

Mechanical Properties

It also has a very high resistance to fatigue and creep, making it an excellent material for use in applications requiring repeated loading and unloading cycles. Additionally, copper is highly resistant to wear and tear, making it suitable for use in abrasive environments.

Modulus of Elasticity (Tension)

The modulus of elasticity (tension) of copper is 110 GPa, which is very close to the modulus of aluminum and nearly as high as that of steel. This property makes copper an excellent material for applications requiring a combination of strength and flexibility.

Tensile Strength

The tensile strength of copper is 65-70 MPa, which is slightly lower than that of steel. However, this property makes it an ideal choice for applications requiring a balance between strength and flexibility.

Melting Point

The melting point of pure copper is 1083 °C, making it relatively easy to melt compared to other metals such as iron or aluminum. This property allows copper to be easily formed into various shapes using casting and other processes [4].


The hardness of copper is 2.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively soft material compared to other metals such as iron and steel. This property makes copper an ideal choice for applications requiring a balance between strength and flexibility.


Copper exhibits good oxidation properties and will not rust or corrode easily when exposed to oxygen or moisture in the atmosphere. However, copper can develop a patina over time that may reduce its reflectivity and cause discoloration. This property makes copper an ideal choice for applications in which the appearance of the material is important.

Ease of Fabrication

Copper is relatively easy to fabricate compared to other metals, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring the production of complex shapes or components. Copper can be cut, drilled, bent, and welded without significant difficulty and can also be machined into intricate shapes with relative ease.


The cost of copper varies based on the grade of the metal and its application; however, generally speaking, it is cheaper than gold or platinum while more expensive than aluminum or iron. Copper prices have been steadily increasing in recent years due to increased demand from emerging economies such as China and India.

How well does copper attract lightning?

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that is greatly influenced by the Earth’s atmosphere and terrain. Copper, as a metal, does not have any special ability to attract lightning more than other materials. In fact, because of its high conductivity, it may be more likely to repel lightning strikes from nearby objects due to the electric field that is generated around it. That being said, copper-clad structures can be designed and built to provide enhanced protection against lightning strikes because they are better able to dissipate the energy of a strike over a wider area than non-conductive materials. This is why copper and other metals such as aluminum are often used in lightning rods, which are typically mounted on buildings in order to divert strikes away from the structure.

How well does copper attract lightning?

Ultimately, while copper does not “attract” lightning any more than other materials, it can be used to protect structures from the effects of a strike by safely dissipating its energy.  Also, due to its conductivity and durability, copper is often found in electrical grounding systems which are designed to divert excess electricity or static build-up safely away from sensitive equipment and wiring. This ensures that these components remain protected even during a lightning storm.

By diverting dangerous voltage away from sensitive electronics and wiring, copper can help prevent costly damage to both property and lives.  In conclusion, while copper may not “attract” lightning any more so than other metals, its durability and conductivity make it a useful material for diverting lightning strikes away from the valuable property [5].


What happens when lightning hits copper?

When lightning strikes copper, it can cause the copper to melt and vaporize. The heat generated by the strike is so intense that it can cause an explosion of molten metal in an area surrounding the point of contact with the lightning. Copper is a very good conductor of electricity, which makes it particularly vulnerable to this kind of damage. In most cases, the lightning will not travel through the copper but instead will simply create a large current surge that causes rapid heating and melting. This can result in serious structural damage as well as fires.

It’s also important to note that copper wiring is often used in electrical systems, so these systems may be at risk for damage if lightning strikes near them.

What metal is resistant to lightning?

Aluminum and steel are the most resistant metals when it comes to lightning strikes. They have a higher resistance to electricity than copper or other metals, which makes them less susceptible to damage from lightning strikes. This is because these materials have higher conductivity, meaning they can absorb more of the energy from the strike before it causes any damage. It’s also important to remember that regardless of the material used, any electrical system should be properly grounded and protected against lightning strikes to ensure safety.

What can I do to protect my home from lightning?

The best way to protect your home from lightning is by having an effective surge protection system installed. These systems help divert excess electricity away from vulnerable electronics and appliances, thereby reducing the risk of damage from lightning strikes. Additionally, it’s important to have any wiring in your home properly insulated and grounded to guard against electrical overloads. If you live in an area with frequent thunderstorms, it is also a good idea to invest in a lightning rod system, which can help draw down any potential electric charges that may strike your home.

Useful Video: How does a Lightning Conductor work I Physics I Electrostatics Grade 8-12


So, does copper attract lightning? In short, the answer is no. Copper is a conductor of electricity, which means that it can help to redirect and dissipate lightning strikes away from structures. However, it should be noted that copper alone cannot completely protect a structure from being struck by lightning. It is always recommended to use other safety measures such as proper grounding techniques, using surge protectors, or installing lightning strike rods for the best protection against lightning strikes. Ultimately, copper itself does not attract lightning but plays an important role in protecting structures from them.



Hello! I'm a James Miller, and I'm an expert in materials science. I learned different metal properties in the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and I know everything about all kinds of metal. That's why I want to share my experience with you.

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