How Many Aluminum Cans Does It Take To Make $100?
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Recycling aluminum cans is a great way to make some extra money, but how many cans does it take for someone to make $100? The answer may surprise you – it takes many more than most people think. Explore the process of recycling aluminum cans and learn how many of them you need to reach the $100 mark. Read on to learn how you can make some easy money by simply recycling aluminum cans.

The Value of Aluminum Cans

Aluminum cans are a great material to recycle because they are lightweight and durable.

The Value of Aluminum Cans

They can be reused many times without losing their shape or quality, making them an ideal choice for recycling. It also makes aluminum cans a valuable commodity as recyclers will pay cash for them.

The current market value of aluminum cans per pound is around 50 cents.
It varies from region to region, depending on the local recycling centers and their pricing strategies. In some areas, the price for each can may be higher or lower than these ranges. Recycling centers also offer different payment options such as cash, store credit, or vouchers which could affect the total amount of money earned [1].

Is collecting cans worth it?

Recycling aluminum cans is beneficial in many ways. Here are some of the top ten environmental and economic benefits of recycling them:

  • Conserves natural resources: Recycling aluminum cans helps to conserve limited resources, allowing them to be reused multiple times before being discarded. It helps reduce the demand for new materials and preserves precious energy reserves;
  • Reduces air pollution: Recycling aluminum cans reduces air pollution by eliminating the need to manufacture new cans from virgin materials. It lowers greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants that are released when raw materials are mined or processed in factories [2];
  • Creates jobs: The process of recycling aluminum cans creates economic opportunities as it requires workers to collect, sort, clean, and grade the material before it is sold on the market. It generates hundreds of jobs throughout the recycling industry and contributes significantly towards creating a stronger economy;
  • Saves energy: Recycling aluminum cans requires 95% less energy than producing cans from new materials. It helps to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and lessen the amount of greenhouse gas types emitted into the atmosphere;
  • Conserves landfill space: By reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills, recycling aluminum cans allows more room for other non-recyclable materials such as plastics, paper, and organic matter. It helps prevent contamination of groundwater supplies and keeps our environment clean and healthy;
  • Reduces water pollution: The aluminum can-manufacturing process requires large amounts of water for ore processing, smelting, and cooling operations. Recycling aluminum cans eliminates this need for new materials, thereby reducing water consumption and preventing harmful toxins from entering our waterways;
  • Prevents waste: Aluminum cans can be recycled endlessly without losing their quality or integrity, making them an ideal choice for recycling over and over again. It helps to cut down on the amount of materials thrown away each year and encourages manufacturers to use more sustainable packaging options;
  • Supports local communities: Recycling aluminum cans helps support local communities by providing much-needed economic opportunities and jobs in the area. The money generated from selling recycled cans often goes towards funding public services such as parks and schools, helping to strengthen the community as a whole;
  • Boost morale: Taking part in a recycling program is a great way to boost morale among employees or volunteers, as it demonstrates that their efforts matter and are making a difference in the world. It also encourages people to act and be mindful of their consumption habits;
  • Improves public health: Recycling aluminum cans helps reduce the amount of hazardous materials entering our environment, thus improving air quality, reducing water pollution, and protecting wildlife habitats. It can have a positive effect on public health by reducing exposure to toxins and pollutants.

Why Are Recycled Aluminum Cans So Valuable?

Recycled aluminum cans are so valuable because they can be reused multiple times over and help conserve our natural resources. Collecting and recycling these cans not only helps reduce pollution but it can also make someone some extra money [3].

Manufacturers Need Recycled Aluminum

Manufacturers rely on recycled aluminum cans to create new products and avoid having to use virgin materials. It reduces their production costs and helps conserve our natural resources.

Manufacturers Need Recycled Aluminum

The demand for recycled aluminum has been growing over the years as manufacturers continue to look for cost-effective solutions that don’t require expensive material sourcing or energy consumption.

Pandemic-related Can Shortages Continue

The pandemic has caused a shortage of canned food products due to supply chain disruption, leading many manufacturers to turn towards recyclers for their clean pre-used aluminum supplies. It has further increased the demand for recycled aluminum cans and raised the market value of these materials.

Recycling Aluminum is Easy

Recycling aluminum cans is easy – all you need to do is collect them and take them to your local recycling center. Here, they will be sorted and graded before being sold on the market. You can usually exchange your cans for cash, store credit, or vouchers which could affect the total amount of money earned. Therefore, collecting and recycling aluminum cans can be quite profitable if done correctly.

Where Can You Sell Aluminum Cans?

Here are some of the most common places to sell aluminum cans:

  • Recycling Centers: The easiest and most common way to sell your aluminum cans is by taking them to a local recycling center. Here, they will be sorted and graded before being sold on the market. You can usually exchange your cans for cash, store credit, or vouchers which could affect the total amount of money earned.
  • Scrap Yards: Another option for selling aluminum cans is at scrap yards. Here, you can usually get more money for your cans as scrap yards pay better than recycling centers. However, it may require more effort and research on your part to find the best prices in your area.
  • Online Recycling Services and startups: There are also online recycling services that offer cash or store credit for aluminum cans. It is a great option if you don’t have a local recycling center or scrap yard near you [4].
  • Scrap Metal Companies: If you have a large amount of aluminum cans to sell, then contacting scrap metal companies may be the best option for you. Scrap metal companies buy in bulk and offer better prices than recycling centers or scrap yards.
  • Grocery Stores: Some grocery stores offer cash or store credit for aluminum cans as part of their recycling programs. Contact your local store to see if they accept cans and what the exchange rate is.

Good To Know

You should keep in mind that aluminum cans must be separated from other recyclables before being recycled. It ensures the correct materials are used in the manufacturing process and that your efforts to recycle aluminum cans are not wasted.

How Much Does an Aluminum Can Weight?

The average aluminum can weigh approximately 14.9 grams, but the weight can vary depending on its size and design [5]:

How much does a 250 ml aluminum can weigh?

A 250 ml aluminum can weigh about 18.5 grams.

How much does a 330ml aluminum can weigh?

A 330 ml piece of aluminum weighs 20.7 grams.

How much can a 375ml aluminum weigh?

A 375 ml of aluminum weighs 22.2 grams.

How much can a 500ml aluminum weigh?

A 500 ml aluminum piece weighs 29.3 grams.

How Much Can I Expect To Earn From Recycling Aluminum Cans?

The amount of money you can expect to earn from recycling aluminum cans varies depending on the size and design of the can, but you could generally make anywhere from 25 cents to 50 cents per pound.

How Much Can I Expect To Earn From Recycling Aluminum Cans?

Here are some of the current market rates for aluminum cans [6]:

  • How many aluminum cans make a dollar? – Approximately 20 aluminum cans make one US dollar.
  • How many cans do you need for $10? – Approximately 100 cans are needed for a $10 payout.
  • How many cans do you need for $100? – Approximately 1.000 cans are needed for a $100 payout.

Where Can I Find Aluminum Cans To Recycle?

There are many places to find aluminum cans to recycle, including:

  • Local parks and outdoor spaces: Aluminum cans can often be found in public places such as parks, beaches, or trails.
  • Curbside recycling bins: You can check curbside recycling bins for aluminum cans that may have been missed during collections.
  • Workplace break rooms: Check office break rooms for cans left behind by coworkers who forgot to recycle them properly.
  • Community events: Many community events use aluminum cans and may be willing to give them away after the event is over.
  • Schools and university campuses: Schools usually have aluminum cans available for students and staff to recycle on campus.
  • Bars and restaurants: These establishments often accumulate a lot of used aluminum cans that can be used for recycling.
  • Friends and family: Ask your friends and family if they have cans to donate or recycle.
  • Local stores: Grocery stores, convenience stores, and other retailers often have aluminum cans available for recycling.
  • Online classifieds: There are online classifieds such as Craigslist where people advertise their aluminum cans for sale or free pick up.
  • Recycling centers: You can contact local recycling centers to inquire about collecting aluminum cans from them.

Factors Affecting Earnings

Here are some of the main factors a scrapper should consider to get the most out of his scrap metal selling deals:

The impact of local recycling rates on prices

The local recycling rate can have a big impact on the prices of aluminum cans. If there is an abundance of aluminum cans in a particular area, then the price per pound may be lower due to increased competition between recyclers. Conversely, if there is a shortage of aluminum cans in an area then the price per pound may be higher as more people are willing to pay for them.

Scrap yards and online recycling services may offer different rates which could also affect the total amount earned from recycling aluminum cans.
Therefore, you should research your local market before selling or buying aluminum cans to ensure you get the best return on investment.

Transportation costs and logistical challenges

Transportation costs and logistical challenges can also affect the total amount earned from recycling aluminum cans.

Transportation costs and logistical challenges

If you are transporting them yourself, then the cost of fuel or public transport will need to be considered.

If you are working with a scrap yard or online recycler then they may charge additional fees for collection and delivery which could reduce your earnings.

The quality of the cans

The quality of aluminum cans also affects the price per pound offered by recyclers. Cans in good condition such as those without dents, breaks, or tears will fetch higher prices than those in poor condition. Therefore, you should inspect each can before selling it to ensure you get the best return for your efforts.

Tips and Strategies for Maximizing Earnings

To get the most out of your scrap aluminum, consider the following suggestions [7]:

  • Collect aluminum cans from local parks and outdoor spaces.
  • Check curbside recycling bins for cans that may have been missed during collections.
  •  Ask friends and family if they have cans to donate or recycle.
  • Visit bars, restaurants, stores, workplaces, schools, universities, and other establishments where aluminum cans are used for their scrap metal collection programs.
  • Utilize online classifieds such as Craigslist to find people advertising their aluminum cans for sale or free pickup.
  • Contact local recycling centers to inquire about collecting aluminum cans from them directly.
  • Keep an eye out for community events that use aluminum cans – some of these may be willing to give away their cans after the event is over.
  • Start a neighborhood can-collection drive by posting flyers and asking friends to spread the word.
  • Join local buy, sell, and trade groups online or in your area to find individuals willing to part with their aluminum cans for the right price.
  • Ask friends who are planning on moving out of town if they have cans that need to be recycled before they leave.

How to sort cans for recycling

If you’re still unsure about how to sort cans for recycling, here are some pointers:

  • Separate cans from other recyclable materials to make sure they are being used in the correct manufacturing process.
  • Sort cans by size and design, such as 12-ounce cans versus 16-ounce cans.
  • Collect only clean and undamaged aluminum cans for recycling.
  • Store the collected aluminum cans in a cool, dry place until ready to be recycled or sold.
  • Remove lids or labels from each can before sorting them into bins or boxes for easy organization and identification later on.
  • Use colored stickers or tags to identify different types of aluminum containers so it’s easier to separate them later on when selling or recycling the items.
  • Use a can crusher to reduce the size of cans and make them easier to store and transport.
  • Separate aluminum cans from steel or tin cans as these materials have different recycling rates.
  • Sort aluminum cans by color if they come in multiple shades, such as soda cans that are available in both silver and gold colors.
  • Keep track of how many aluminum cans you have collected for accurate pricing when selling or recycling the items.

How to prepare cans for recycling

To make the most of your cans, always prepare them for recycling [8]:

  • Rinse off dirt or debris from the cans before sorting them into different types and sizes.
  • Remove lids, labels, or stickers from each aluminum can for easier sorting and packaging later on.
  • Crush large cans with a can crusher to reduce their size and make them easier to transport or store.
  • Sort aluminum cans by color if they come in multiple shades, such as soda cans that are available in both silver and gold colors.
  • Separate aluminum cans from steel or tin cans as they are processed differently during recycling industries and have different rates of payouts per pound of material collected.
  • Place sorted aluminum cans in clean plastic bags to protect them while transporting or storing.
  • Label each bag with the type and number of cans inside for easy identification later on.
  • Store aluminum cans in a cool, dry place until ready to be recycled or sold for scrap metal.
  • Weigh the sorted aluminum cans before selling them or taking them to a recycling center for accurate pricing.
  • Research local recycling centers to find out which ones pay out the highest rates for different types of aluminum materials collected.


How many aluminum cans make a kilo?

A kilo of aluminum cans is equal to approximately 65-70 cans [9].

Are Coke cans 100% aluminum?

Yes, Coke cans are 100% aluminum. Aluminum is the ideal material for beverage cans as it is lightweight and recyclable.

Should you crush your cans?

Yes, it is recommended to crush your cans with a can crusher to reduce their size and make them easier to transport or store.

Should you crush your cans?

Crushing can also help you get more accurate pricing for your aluminum cans when selling or recycling them.

How do you crush cans fast?

Using a can crusher is the fastest and easiest way to crush aluminum cans. Most can crushers have a lever design that requires minimal effort to crush cans quickly and efficiently.

Are aluminum cans worth the money?

Yes, aluminum cans are worth money. The amount you will receive for each can vary depending on factors such as its size, quality, and market trends at the time of sale. On average, you can expect to get around $0.35-$0.50 per pound of aluminum cans collected.

What is the most efficient way to collect aluminum cans?

The most efficient way to collect aluminum cans is to join local buy, sell, and trade groups online or in your area. It allows you to find individuals who are willing to part with their aluminum cans for the right price. Other efficient methods include collecting cans from parks and outdoor spaces, curbside recycling bins, bars and restaurants, stores and workplaces, schools and universities, and other establishments that use aluminum cans.

Do aluminum cans weigh more when they are crushed?

No, aluminum cans do not weigh more when they are crushed. However, crushing the cans can make them easier to transport and store.

Are crushed cans worth more than uncrushed cans?

Crushed aluminum cans fetch slightly less money per pound than uncrushed cans due to the extra effort involved in handling them at scrap yards. However, crushed cans take up less space making them easier to transport or store, which can result in a better overall return on investment depending on how much material is collected.

What is the easiest way to crush aluminum cans?

The easiest way to crush aluminum cans is with a can crusher.

How do you make a homemade aluminum can crusher?

Making a homemade aluminum can crusher is a simple and easy project.

How do you make a homemade aluminum can crusher?

All you need is a few basic materials, such as plywood, screws, nuts and bolts, and an electric drill or screwdriver:

  • Start by cutting the wood to size for the base of your crusher;
  • Attach two wooden boards at either side with screws to form the crushing chamber;
  • Attach two metal plates on top of the boards with nuts and bolts;
  • Measure out holes in each board so they line up when everything is attached;
  • Insert your handle into one of the holes and use it to push down on cans to crush them;
  • Be sure to wear safety glasses when operating your homemade can crusher.

What is the best way to store collected aluminum cans?

The best way to store collected aluminum cans is in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct sunlight. Placing them in clean plastic bags will also help protect against dirt and debris while transporting or storing the materials. Labeling each bag with the type and number of cans inside can make it easier to identify when ready to be sold or recycled.

Useful Video: How many aluminum cans do you need to make $100?


Recycling aluminum cans is an easy and rewarding way to make some extra money. From finding new sources of aluminum cans to sorting, preparing, and selling the cans, there are many ways to make a profit from aluminum can recycling. With some planning and organization, you too can become an expert in aluminum can recycling. Invest a bit of effort and you will make a significant amount of money from recycling aluminum cans.



Hello! I'm a James Miller, and I'm an expert in materials science. I learned different metal properties in the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and I know everything about all kinds of metal. That's why I want to share my experience with you.

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